Photos by Anthony Lim
Our Adult Learn to Row (LTR) is a beginner program for adults (18+) of all ages and fitness levels with no prior rowing experience. Rowers may be in multi-person boats or singles.
Our learn-to-row experience includes:
Fun and fitness on the water
Training instruction on the erg (indoor rowing machine)
Boat handling, launching and maneuvering
Breakdown of the rowing stroke and tips on improving your technique
After successful completion of the program, rowers are eligible to join LMRC masters novice or recreational programs. We invite you to learn to row with LMRC!
Registration Now open for spring 2025 team learn to row
April 2025
Saturday, April 19, 11:00 and to 2:00 pm, and Tuesday and Friday mornings, April 22, 25, 29, and May 2. 6 am to 8 am.(Attendance is required for all five classes.)
May 2025
Saturday, May 17, 11:00 and to 2:00 pm, and Tuesday and Friday mornings, May 20, 23, 27 and 30. 6 am to 8 am.(Attendance is required for all five classes.)
Please email to be added to the mailing list to be notified when future classes open up.
Photo Courtesy of Krill Ignatieff @
LMRC believes that everyone in our community who wants to row should be able to row, regardless of background or economic circumstance.
If rowers are not able to afford our Learn to Row program we have options available to reduce fees.
For a fee reduction or waiver please submit a Financial Aid Application
Refund Policy: LMRC program fees will not be refunded.
Please wear layered, close-fitting clothing. Loose clothing may get caught in the oar handles or seat tracks and create a danger for the rower. Synthetic fabrics that are soft, stretchy, and breathable -- such as Polypro, CoolMax, or DriFit – are ideal fabrics. Bring a hat, water bottle and mask. Socks are required to wear in the boat. Please bring a change of dry clothes in the event you get wet.
Note: Rowing requires some strength and flexibility. Attendees will be expected to get in and out of boats at the dock level and lift up to 20 lbs. Our single boats are rated for individuals up to 250 lbs. but multi-person boats can accommodate a wider variety of rowers. Please alert the coach if you have any physical limitations.
USRowing Safety Video
Common Rowing Vocabulary
Natural Rowing Technique Poster
LMRC Sculling Handbook
Coach Connie started rowing in 1985 at the University of Freiburg in Germany and continued to row competitively in Canada (Trent University), Switzerland (Rowing Club Bern), and in the USA (San Diego RC, Syracuse RC, and Lake Merritt RC.).
Connie has been coaching youth and adult teams of all skill levels for over 20 years. She began coaching at Lake Merritt Rowing Club in 2009 and currently coaches the LMRC Recreational Team as well as the LMRC Youth Team. In addition, she teaches Community-Learn-To-Row classes and has been involved in the organization of various team building events.
When she is not at Lake Merritt, you will either find her at the College of Alameda where she teaches Biology and Oceanography, or on one of the many Bay Area trails with her Golden Retriever companion Finn.
Email: Coach Connie